Alcohol Abuse: Your Brain on Booze

Your Brain on Booze
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse

"Alcohol is an interesting drug because the distance between the dose that causes a small buzz and the dose that can kill you is not very big," says Aaron White, a neuroscientist with the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. Let's stumble through that short span between buzzed and blitzed by looking at the amount of alcohol present in your blood stream, which is referred to as …


Update On Binge Drinking Among College Students: From Bad To Worse
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse

Recent data on college age drinking from NIH, specifically the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)–its first update since an initial review in 1976– has brought to light the significant consequences of binge drinking among college students. While the incidence of regular drinking has remained stable, the incidence of binge drinking has sharply increased. With it, the …


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