Alcohol Abuse During Pregnancy: A Look Inside: A Prosecutor's Perspective on Crimes Against Children

Alcohol Abuse During Pregnancy in the News

A Look Inside: A prosecutor's perspective on crimes against children
Filed under: alcohol abuse during pregnancy

But then she got pregnant in 1989 and was prosecuting sex crimes against children with a baby at home. “It was much more difficult when I was the parent of an infant … She came back to crimes against children in 2008. She works on cases dealing with …


Wis. mom shares challenges of raising child with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
Filed under: alcohol abuse during pregnancy

And then Thomas came into our lives." When her daughter was 18, she became pregnant but didn't stop abusing alcohol and drugs. "The doctor, she told my daughter that she could have a drink a day. She didn't ask my daughter what her drinking history was …


Abortion limits bill passes both Senate and House
Filed under: alcohol abuse during pregnancy

One state senator who voted in favor of a bill that would prohibit a woman's ability to terminate a pregnancy after 20 weeks of gestation and criminalize the doctor who performs the procedure said he wants to change the conversation about abortion …


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