Youth Alcohol Abuse: Chamber of Commerce Honors Local Leaders With First Citizen Awards

Youth Alcohol Abuse in the News

Chamber of Commerce honors local leaders with First Citizen awards
Filed under: youth alcohol abuse

Abernethy has launched two specialty courts for juveniles: Ten on Tuesday, helping pregnant girls with known drug addictions to stay clean; and STAR Court, which serves juveniles overcoming substance abuse. She has also participated with various …


National sports policy to be presented for public consultation
Filed under: youth alcohol abuse

Malta needs a National Sports Policy, statedParliamentary Secretary for Research, Innovation, Youth and Sport Stefan Buontempo, as he announced the ?ie? l-Isport Malti finalists at the Cottonera Sports Complex. The final award-giving … Sports and …


Schools struggling to teach binge-drinking, drug-taking students
Filed under: youth alcohol abuse

Teachers are spending a significant amount of class time dealing with problems related to weekend alcohol and drug abuse, according to the results of a national survey. The report by the National Council on Drugs reveals an education system where …


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