Tennessee Williams

Tennessee Williams
Filed under: Alcoholism

One of my favorite portraits that my father did while he was at Time Magazine, was of Tennessee Williams the great American playwright. The original playbill to the first stage production of Night of the Iguana. Bette Davis was the lead role for the first four months – she was replaced by Shelley Wi


Days are just days
Filed under: Alcoholism

So, lately, I haven’t really done many productive things. I’ve had to turn down so many media opportunities! Mostly because they’re obsessed about me wanting to be Barbie and spending 4 hours getting ready everyday. The Jeremy Kyle show asked me to go on so he could interview me and, I have to admit


Facebook Status
Filed under: Alcoholism

Just for the heck of it, here’s some rather ‘strange’ (and some downright crazy) Facebook statuses including mine, of course. Enjoy Drinking promotes freedom of speech!!! What do you mean all the tequila is gone! Wait… where am I and who are you? Making a few changes in my life. If you don’t hear ba


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