Movies Alcohol Abuse: My Dad Bullies Me Alot 10 Points?
Question by Louisiana: My dad bullies me alot 10 points?
I never think I am good enough and I try to be a “perfect girl” this all started when my dad always called me fat and werid and said I looked like fraglerock ( some cartoon) I always cry because of it he says he is just joking but it hurts my mom follows what he does I always freeze up and.cry before school because I am scared I won’t be the perfect “june baker” everyone expects me to be I always have to match and look perfect I always watch movies to try to escape myself I made up a fake person a escape of the person I am I want to change my name to hazel elizabeth because to me june baker is the ugly person even her parents hate her a disgrace to the world. My best friend said I am like marilyn monroe she was all confident and when no one was looking she shattered like glass I feel I will have a fatal end like her if I do not get help Only reason I am asking is because I do not know if my problem is serious enough for therapy. And my friends think I am coincided but I am not at all
Best answer:
Answer by Rachel
my mom does this to me. i went to a therapist because i tried to commit suicide. it really helped just being able to talk to somebody and to not have them judge you. Go to a therapist and maybe she can convince your dad and mom to stop bullying you. best of luck
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