Are Alot of People That Are in AA “Just Alcoholics” Because That Was BC (Before CRACK!)?

Question by 100% ?Creole?: Are alot of people that are in AA “just alcoholics” because that was BC (before CRACK!)?
I wonder sometimes if these people who say they have 30+ years of sobriety would have also had been DRUG ADDICTS too ~~ if all these drugs were around in “their” days?

Best answer:

Answer by ashj_1218
In all honesty, most people who are in AA are actually recovering mainly from alcohol…because it was their DOC (drug of choice). They probably did some other stuff too, but this is the one they keep heading back to. If they were harder drug users, they would be in NA meetings, which tend to focus more on the cocaine and heroin and other drugs. Either way, an addict is an addict.

What do you think? Answer below!

Bill Clears Way for Four-Time DUI Offenders to Drive
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