Alcoholism Drugs: Why Can’t I Have a Hangover?

Question by SINDY: Why can’t I have a hangover?
Been drinking since my teens. No, not always heavily.

Sometimes I drink lots (a gallon of liquor in one night). Other times I drink only a little (a beer or a glass of wine).
Regardless, there’s never been a routine to my drinking. I’ve actually gone weeks, months, and even years without taking a sip. No matter what, I’ve never had a hangover. Not even after my “first”. Why?
For those who are curious– I’m almost 32.
Not that I want a hangover. I’ve just always wondered why I don’t get them (and, for that matter, why I’m so damned functional while lit).
Accomplish a hangover? LOL! No. I’d like to think that not even the most hard core of alcoholics would want to do that.
I drink a lot of water NOW- only as of the past three or four years.

Again, I don’t WANT a hangover. LOL… I’m just wondering why I’ve never had one.

Best answer:

Answer by wanda
body tolerance? i never have had them either…

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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