Living With Alcoholic Husband: What Should a Wife Do After Her Husband Left Home and Ran the Streets for 3 Days, Without Making Things Worst?
Question by lee k: What should a wife do after her husband left home and ran the streets for 3 days, without making things worst?
I’m actually asking this for my mom, her husband who is a good career man, car, house, with 2 daughters etc, him and my mom got a little drunk and argued on New Years day and while my mom was passed out he left the house and didn’t come back for 3 days. Didn’t call or show up to his job Monday. We checked his cell phone records and it showed he was calling several women unknown to my mom, He showed up yesterday with a story about being arrested, my mom knows he has the tendacy to go with friends and drink or use drugs, This is the first time in a few years he has done this and my mom just wants to forget about it but at the same time I think she wants to send him messages not to do it again. I actually feel like Iam making things worst by typing this, what can she do anyone have experience with this?
Best answer:
Answer by Wisen Smart
You mom needs help, professional help. A woman that puts up with a man like that is a co dependent and has serious mental issues. The best thing you can do is try to get her this help, call the hot line and ask them the places she can go. Advise her to do so. If she refuses to get help, then the best next thing is to stay out of it completely.
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