Drug Abuse and Alcohol Abuse: Pros of Alcohol and Drug Abuse?

Question by Angel: Pros of alcohol and drug abuse?
I’m having a debate on alcohol and drug abuse for my sociology class and my half of the debate are the pros. I certainly know that the functionalists would say that drug and alcohol abuse is good because it provides jobs for AA employees and provides greater economic flow. I’d actually like to know, are there any other pros besides the mentioned for the abuse of alcohol and drugs? Can the word “abuse” be used in a different context for alcohol and drugs? Please give me something to debate on the pros, thank you!

Best answer:

Answer by boomchicka
well abuse of either one is bad. to abuse something is to over use it to the point where it hurts you, that’s why its called abuse. I do know that if taken the right way marijuana can be used as medicine to help people with ADHD, ADD, and stress problems. There was a case where a little boy had a VERY severe case of ADHD to the point where he couldnt stay still for a moment and could not pay attention in school and was constantly misbehaving. so the doctor prescribed marijuana and it made him a normal little boy. Now, he didnt smoke it. his mother had to keep it in the freezer and boil it (or something) and stuff it into pills. there was a big case about it because he was very young, it went to court. I also know drinking one glass of red wine a day at dinner or two glasses in the case of men (no more then 5 ounces a glass) can decrease incidence of cardiovascular disease such as lowering the risk of heart attacks, it has benefits to counter atherosclerosis, It may prevent fat accumulation and reduce insulin resistance which lowers the risk of diabetes, prevents blood clotting and plaque formation in arteries while improving vascular function, and reduce tumor incidence by targeting different stages in cancer development. Keep in mind all these benefits are only for red wine and only when drunk once a day for women and twice a day for men (remember no more then 5 ounces a glass)

thats all i know about drugs and alcohol

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