How Do They Figure Out the Catholic Population?

Question by Gronz: How do they figure out the Catholic population?
I have to ask because I continuously here the 1 billion figure, 1 in 6 people is Catholic. However, I know plenty of people who were baptized and confirmed in the Catholic church who now identify as atheist or are part of another religion. Somehow I feel like these people are still getting counted as Catholic. So is it based on polling? or Church registry? Please don’t answer if it’s just what you think, I want to know. It’s a waste of time.

Best answer:

Answer by Tapestry6
Every October they take an actual census at the church during all the Masses. The numbers of each church goes to the diocese then the archdiocese. The National Council of Bishops would most likely get the number for the US and all census numbers would go to the Vatican each year. ( I am sure some polls are taken too but a census is more accurate account that is why the US has a census every 10 years next one is coming up soon).
According to the Pontifical Yearbook of 2009, the number of Catholics in the world increased from 1,131 million to 1,147 million between 2006 and 2007, a growth of 1.4 percent.

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