Alcoholism: Supernatural Season 7: Why Would You Even Do That?
Supernatural Season 7: Why would you even do that?
Filed under: Alcoholism
It’s no secret that I watch some seriously terrible shit. But while I enjoy a so-bad-it’s-good movie as much as the next guy, I can’t sustain that kind of interest for an entire TV series. Not unless Tommy Wiseau finally gets funding for his sitcom, that is. Supernatural is my one exception to the ” …
Los lunes al sol aka Mondays in the Sun nice Movie
Filed under: Alcoholism
After the closure of their work in Northern Espana, a number of former staff – Santa, José, Lino, Amador, Sergei and Reina – detain bit. They meet in the main at a bar owned by their former colleague law. Santa is that the most superficially assured and also the unofficial leader of the cluster. A c …
Technology and society
Filed under: Alcoholism
Technology is always progressing and improving, but is society? Not necessarily, says this New Yorker piece. It’s not surprising that while technology can make us smarter and more capable, it also reduces the need for us to do much of the work needed for daily life, such as catching and cooking food …
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