How Does Schizophrenia Start?

Question by Spiral: How does schizophrenia start?
I know that this illness typically arises in early adulthood, but how may it start- with full blown hallucination, or light hallucinations? Can paranoia, depression, or anxiety appear first?

Are suffers always oblivious to the fact they are becoming mentally unstable, or may they realize that something is wrong?

Best answer:

Answer by Nikole
My boyfriend’s aunt is schizophrenic, and she 100% knows it. She always says that she is having problems thinking because her ‘schizophrenia is getting bad,’ aka she is hearing voices and can’t really hear her own thoughts! Some people can be completely oblivious though. It is very dependent on the person and the case. But as for beginning symptoms, I don’t know, sorry! I hope that helps!

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