Flu Cases Up in Shawnee; Deaths Reported Statewide
Signs Symptoms Of Alcoholism in the News
Flu cases up in Shawnee; deaths reported statewide
Filed under: signs symptoms of alcoholism
Dr. Mitchell Wolf from St. Anthony Shawnee Physicians, said the “classic flu, or real influenza,” includes symptoms of high fever, muscle aches, cough and headache. “And a feeling of … Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer if soap and water aren't …
Moral guardians' prissy hissy fits are proving a real pain in the backside
Filed under: signs symptoms of alcoholism
Paroxysms of public anxiety about the health and welfare of young people are actually very common. Rarely a week passes without another moral panic or scare story, usually involving some combination of the seven deadly sins of wayward youth: drink, …
Key Peninsula Fire Department Report
Filed under: signs symptoms of alcoholism
A Lakebay man in his 60s was treated for stroke-like symptoms and transported to St. Anthony Hospital. Dec. 26. A 32-year-old Herron-area woman was seen for ingestion of rubbing alcohol. Firefighters also transported a 22-year-old woman giving birth …
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