Families of Alcoholics: What Exactly Defines an “alcoholic” Is My Brother an Alcoholic? or Does He Just Drink Often?

Question by LivingLife86: What exactly defines an “alcoholic” Is my brother an alcoholic? Or does he just drink often?
My younger brother lives with me because I worry about him living alone. He’s 22 years old and just this year has had 4 run-ins with the police for alcohol related offenses. Recently he lost his job as a heavy equipment operator, Sense then all he does ALL day is drink. I’m not joking, It’s not uncommon at all for me to wake up to go to work and he’s just starting to drink at 9am when the liquor store opens. A couple of days ago when I took vacation from work I decided to monitor his consumption, From 11:30am until 9pm he consumed a fifth of 80proof liquor almost an entire pint gin. I’m not joking when i say he spends $ 30 a day on alcohol. His girlfriend buys it for him. Yet if we need to do something important, for instance a couple weeks ago we had to go to my bosses wedding and I took him as my “date” he did not drink one drink, and there was even an open bar! Sense he’s still young I assume this is just a phase he is going though, He has only been drinking this hard for about 3 months

Best answer:

Answer by little miss Drama!
I think what defines an alcoholic is when someone drinks everyday and can’t stop drinking.

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