How "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome" Obscures a Serious Illness

Depression Causes And Symptoms in the News

How "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome" Obscures a Serious Illness
Filed under: depression causes and symptoms

So it is important but challenging to determine whether depression caused the fatigue and other symptoms or if the patient is depressed because that patient is indeed very sick. Leonard Jason, a professor of psychology at DePaul University in Chicago …


Prior Lake Teacher Shining a Light on Student Well-Being
Filed under: depression causes and symptoms

SAD is a type of depression that typically occurs each year during fall and winter. Zak, along with … Researchers believe this type of light causes a chemical change in the brain that lifts your mood and eases other symptoms of SAD, the report said …


Robin Farquhar – Genius of Flat Rock Playhouse – NC Theater History – Depression Education

Remembrance with reverence for Robin Farquhar, genius director of Flat Rock Playhouse, pillar of North Carolina theatre history, recipient of NCTC’s Marian A…


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