Alcoholism: Dennis Rodman Checks Into Rehab Center

Dennis Rodman checks into rehab center
Filed under: Alcoholism

Jan. 13, 2014: Former NBA basketball player Dennis Rodman is followed by journalists as he arrives at the Capital International Airport in Beijing from Pyongyang.AP Dennis Rodman has checked into an undisclosed alcohol rehabilitation center to treat his long-time struggle with alcoholism, his agent


Dennis Rodman checks into rehab center
Filed under: Alcoholism

Jan. 13, 2014: Former NBA basketball player Dennis Rodman is followed by journalists as he arrives at the Capital International Airport in Beijing from Pyongyang.AP Dennis Rodman has checked into an undisclosed alcohol rehabilitation center to treat his long-time struggle with alcoholism, his agent


Filed under: Alcoholism

Sorry for not posting for since Aug. 2013, but those of you that know me, know why and will forgive me. So now to catch the rest of you up on what has been going on and why I haven’t blogged in so long. Since Oct. 22, 2012 we have been dealing with a family crisis. Our oldest son, George was falsely


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