Can Someone Please Tell Me What Is Wrong With My Body?
Question by Brittany: Can someone please tell me what is wrong with my body?
I am a 22 year old female with a great deal of problems with my entire body. First, I would like to say that I may be a hypochondriac individual, but I am not too sure, as the symptoms I am experiencing seem extremely real. Here are a list of my symptoms:
1. Eye Sensitivity (I cannot watch TV or stay on the computer without feeling nauseous or dizzy)
2. Anxiety? (Always feel like something horrible will happen)
3. Heartburn
4. Constipation
5. Constant Nausea
6. Tonsil Stones
7. Cold face, hot body
8. Racing Heart if I open my eyes from waking in the middle of the night.
9. Fatigued
10. Faint when standing
11. Always burping and passing gas, but it never has a smell to it, basically plain air.
12. Cold liquid in the back of my throat
13. Always feel full after eating a few bites of food
14. Cold hands
15. I can’t drink water without feeling full and nauseous, which explains my next symptom, “dehydration”
16. Dehydration
17. Mucus in stool
18. Hunger Pangs
19. Migraines and Headaches
20. Burning sensation throughout my body
21. My ears are always closed
22. I can’t sleep
23. My brain feels like it is itching and uncomfortable inside my head.
I have been to a psychiatrist, and I received a diagnoses of Borderline Personality Disorder, and I am on anti-depressants along with DBT therapy. I have also been to a GI clinic for an endoscopy, and I have been put on prilosec for my stomach troubles. The reason why I am asking for some answers is because it seems like doctors do not know what they are doing or is understanding individuals symptoms! If any of you know what is going on with me, or have these symptoms that I am experiencing, please fill me in on what the problem could be. So far, I feel as if I am suffering with anemia? Diabetes? Chron’s Disease? IBS?
Please help :(
Best answer:
Answer by Andrew
well for one i have an extreme anxiety dissorde and i expirieced all of these when i was in he priime of it. taking new medications can cause alot of these same side effects to. if you have a list of symptoms its most likely your a hypochondriac as well and are very overly aware of all your bodily sensations. it sounds like you’ve been checked out good you need to sto hyper focusing on all your symptoms.stop being a nrevous wreck and talk to your phyciatrist about this,as most of these are quite comon side effects of mediacations. you’re a complete carbon copy of myself after my father passed away i became a severe hypochondriac. you should take therapy to deal with all hypochondriacs always dout thier own doctors diagnosis and keep serching and searching for answers. and even re assured they are okay they still continue to try and find a physical problem. i can assure you there is nothing majorly wrong with you, AT ALL except major anxitey issues. somthing happend to you that you need to deal with instead of hiding behind these symptoms.
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