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How Much Alcohol Causes a Hangover, and the Best Drinks to Avoid One

Sign And Symptoms Of Alcoholism in the News

How Much Alcohol Causes a Hangover, and the Best Drinks to Avoid One
Filed under: sign and symptoms of alcoholism

You don't have to forgo drinking altogether, though, if you don't want to. Just know how many drinks tend to cause a hangover and which alcoholic drinks are less likely to give you those awful symptoms. Here's what 33 years of alcohol hangover research …


Do You Drink Too Much? Here's How You Can Tell
Filed under: sign and symptoms of alcoholism

Alcoholism is a word we've all used, but it means different things to different people. In medicine, "alcoholism" sometimes encompasses both alcohol abuse and alcohol dependence—vague terms that denote a problematic relationship with alcohol—but what …


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