Why Should I Get Evaluated for Adult ADD/ADHD?

Question by erasmo: why should i get evaluated for Adult ADD/ADHD?
i am pretty sure i have some form of add/adhd but i dont have the kind of money for an evalutation and i do not have health insurance.
according to different online assessments i could possibly have severe adult ADD/ADHD.
what difference would a diagnosis make?
i have bad social anxiety to magnify the stress.

i know with a diagnosis i could get medication but stimulants are the last thing i need with my anxiety.
i have read xanax(alprazolam) with adderall(“amphetamine”) helps but i dont need more habits, and that sounds like cheap x to me.
i have only done x 3 times in my life and im done.
the last time i did x it actually cured my depression over night.
i guess it was just transitional depression i was dealing with.
i will not be doing x again because its expensive and really not worth the planning and organizing the “roll”. its fun but not for me because i have moments of weird feelings… my experiences with x were very well prepared and in a comfortable setting like a hotel pool/beach, not out at a club where i could dehydrate.
but no more so shush.
notice i went way off topic >< i only smoke marijuana for a number of different reasons. before you blame my cannabis "abuse" for my mental issues, remember the chicken and the egg? any medical expert should know that cannabis is virtually non-toxic and nowhere near as dangerous as any alternative.. I AM FULLY AWARE THAT SMOKE OF ANY KIND IS HARMFUL, but that is not the only form of administration. i am 27 and i have been smoking/vaporizing/eating cannabis for 6.5 years so it could not be a cause. i have quit smoking tobacco before but relapsed thanks to friends+alcohol, not cravings. i have been like this since around 5th grade, and i was a very physically/mentally active kid. not so physically anymore since my accident. i cant run anymore so i just lift and some yoga. i have been prescribed .25 alprazolam before twice and it helped my acute depression. not overnight like x but x is a dangerous street drug and you can never tell what is in it. maybe it was psychological but it cured it none the less. what will i get out of getting diagnosed with Adult ADD/ADHD? is it worth the cost? if i want to get stimulants, which i dont like, i could probably find someone who has. i dont want medication. can i get other forms of treatment without a diagnosis? i am a considerably bright and creative person but my mind is just unstoppable and my social anxiety makes it a negative. i have a dgree in medical assistance but i walked out of my last job during a moment of crazy, i really regret it but at the moment it felt like the right thing to do, my anxiety is that bad. i am planning on starting a degree in Biotechnology in Temple College temple, tx next fall semester because i still need to save more to make the big move. that really seems like a great work environment for me i love lab work, and i dont have to deal with patients and their overprotective parents. i know i could use my crazy/creative mind for something good like research and development. maybe one day eventually earn an MS or PhD in Biomedical Nanotechnology. i know thats quite a stretch but anything is possible. i think i need to get my life back and into a new environment, i do not want more drugs. thank you for reading so much if you did. took me a while btw i have been drinking occasionally since the age of 16, maybe that could be a factor but the damage is done. and dont try to teach something about cannabis. see how posting this kept me focused for last hour... thats what im talking about, i dont need drugs to focus, i need mental stimulation, not physiological stimulation. maybe i wrote something wrong but amphetamines are the last thing i want/need. amphetamine makes my anxiety peak Best answer:

Answer by D
Wow. Are you sure you need amphetamines?

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