Doctors Not Asking Patients About Alcohol Abuse – the Spirits Business

Doctors not asking patients about alcohol abuse – The Spirits Business
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse

Doctors not asking patients about alcohol abuse
The Spirits Business
Only one in six American adults overall, and one in four binge drinkers, have discussed their alcohol consumption with a doctor, according to a US health agency. Binge-Drinking-Doctors-US. New research suggests American doctors are failing to screen 
CDC warns doctors to look out for 38 million heavy drinking AmericansCBS News
Drinking Too Much? Don't Count On Your Doctor To AskNPR (blog)
CDC: Health pros don't screen for alcohol problems, even in risky –TIME –TrustLaw
all 128 news articles »



Should Docs Do More to Discourage Problem-Drinking? – WebMD
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse

Should Docs Do More to Discourage Problem-Drinking?
7, 2014 (HealthDay News) — Doctors aren't talking often enough with their patients about the harmful effects of alcohol, even if those patients are binge drinkers, U.S. health officials reported Tuesday. Only one in six adults says a doctor or health



Ke$ ha Checked Into Rehab For Eating & Alcohol Problems –
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse

Ke$ ha Checked Into Rehab For Eating & Alcohol Problems
According to RadarOnline, the singer — who based her career around the hard-partying lifestyle and songs that featured lyrics about boozing — concerned her team with her alcohol intake. “But in recent months, those closest to her had become
Kesha Is Reportedly Also in Rehab for an Alcohol ProblemPopCrush
Ke$ ha's Mom Confirms On Twitter That Her Daughter Isn't In Rehab For An

all 13 news articles »



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