Treatment for Alcoholic: State Calls for Ideas on Reforming Detox Services

Treatment For Alcoholic in the News

State calls for ideas on reforming detox services
Filed under: treatment for alcoholic

Alarmed by a worsening shortage of detox services across Minnesota, state officials are considering dramatic changes to the state's outdated system for treating chronic alcoholics and drug users. Each month, hundreds of heavily intoxicated people cycle …


Rutgers forum addresses addiction; Experts seek more treatment options
Filed under: treatment for alcoholic

Niles, the assistant director of the First Step Clinic of the Cumberland County Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Services Department, went to post a comment to an article online and was taken aback by what she saw. “Other people had posted before me and the …


'Trip to Echo Spring' distills alcohol's role in lives of 6 great writers
Filed under: treatment for alcoholic

He had multiple hospitalizations for drying out and treatment, including one at Minnesota's Hazelden, a pioneer of treating alcoholics by using the principles of Alcoholics Anonymous. In sober moments, he poured his timeline of alcoholic horror (in A.A …


Glore Psychiatric Museum in St. Joseph
Filed under: treatment for alcoholic

DAVID PULLIAM/The Kansas City Star — The Kansas City Star Sarah Wilson was hired as the interpretive planner to bring color and spark to one of the area's most macabre tourist attractions, the Glore Psychiatric Museum in St. Joseph, Mo. Wilson is …


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