The Pay-Off

The Pay-Off
Filed under: Alcoholism

Today I witnessed something a bit peculiar, but mostly, something really gross. I saw a man acting suspicious and a bit paranoid standing outside of a grocery store. He was fidgeting, looking around as if he was about to do something that he shouldn’t. I sat in my car watching for a few minutes, and


15 Revolting Hangover Cures From History
Filed under: Alcoholism

Blergghhhhhhhhhh. Ancient Greece: Boiled cabbage. The Greeks recommended eating boiled cabbage after a heavy night, claiming that the strong smell helped to restored the senses. Ancient Rome: Raw owl’s eggs and fried canary. Thanks to Pliny the Elder, raw owl’s eggs or fried canary were the brunch o


Filed under: Alcoholism

?Good morning: Buenos dias. This Christmas weekend-morning, we have witnessed Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ enter humanity. His entrance is the first page of the beginning of a calling, a vocation for all of us. This morning, let us pray and think about vocation, God’s special and beautiful calli


Happy New Year! 2014 – A time for new challenges and efforts
Filed under: Alcoholism

Happy New Year!! Today it’s December 31st 2013 and in a few hours we’re going into the next year 2014 – according to the Christian counting that is. Other cultures and religions have other new years and countings naturally, but still. The bus is a vehicle which might take us into the future, bringin


Dr Paul on the Katie Couric Show Speaking On Women and Alcoholism

Dr. Paul Hokemeyer speaks about women and alcohol abuse and the differences between male and female alcohol problems.


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