Alcoholism: Another Beginning

Another beginning
Filed under: Alcoholism

I don’t like New Year’s and all its celebrations. The point of celebrating another year gone seems like wishing my life away. And at this point that is what it is. I am becoming more aware with each passing year that time is slipping away. I am not looking forward to 2014 because I think it’s best t


Are You Sure You Want To Be A Lawyer?
Filed under: Alcoholism

Legally Blonde I graduated law school about five years ago and haven’t practiced law a day in my life. In some ways the jury’s still out on whether law school was – financially speaking – a mistake for me or not (sorry for the pun, I couldn’t resist). But it was such an important and formative time


What Your New Year’s Partying Does To Your Body And Mind
Filed under: Alcoholism

While contemplating glugging down a few glasses of wine to get through the holidays, it might be a good idea to remember some of these facts about what’s not so great about wine —and other alcoholic beverages — the boozy bits. See what alcohol does to your brain and body > While alcohol is legal, an


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