Coronation Street's Tina McIntyre Plans to Move to London to Escape 'Disaster …
Recovering Alcoholics in the News
Coronation Street's Tina McIntyre plans to move to London to escape 'disaster …
Filed under: recovering alcoholics
“I'm not good for you,” the recovering alcoholic and bigamist told her. “I'm a disaster waiting to happen… Tina, I know how this ends. I will crash and burn and I will take you with me… Please stay away from me.” Fat chance. For after deliberately …
WearOvers, where everybody knows your name
Filed under: recovering alcoholics
And like Malone, a recovering alcoholic-turned-bartender, O'Donnell spends her days surrounded by her former vice which has become the center of her business. "I was a total shopaholic – so bad, I should have been on Oprah. I was younger, thinner …
Eat, don't drink, and be merry
Filed under: recovering alcoholics
CHARLESTON, W.Va. — The holidays are a stressful time for many people but, between holiday parties and family gatherings, they can also be a difficult time for recovering alcoholics to stay sober. Dave, a recovering alcoholic in the Charleston area …
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