Alcoholism: Another Side of Domestic Violence: Intimate Partner Violence in the LGBT Community

Another Side of Domestic Violence: Intimate Partner Violence in the LGBT Community
Filed under: Alcoholism

Domestic violence can affect any of us; there is no demographic that is immune to the plague that violence forces upon our communities. One of the lesser spoken of aspects of abusive relationships exists in the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community, one in which society generally has fail


celebrating chez nous
Filed under: Alcoholism

The Plasmacar that Janice gave us with other stuff her kids had outgrown – the best gift of all The yahrzeit candle we burned for Mum all day – burning still Trying on Mummy’s new rubber boots NOT a bong – a broken solar light, one of his favourite toys, as is his uncle On our way to the Necropolis


10 Best Shows of 2013
Filed under: Alcoholism

Honorable Mention: Arrested Development, Community, Avatar: The Legend of Korra, Doctor Who, Parks and Recreations, Luther, Homeland, Happy Endings, Elementary Runner Up: Masters of Sex Lately, Showtime has been going through a rough patch. This year one of their biggest shows Dexter finally ended,


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