Self Help for Alcoholics: Community Services for Dec. 15
Self Help For Alcoholics in the News
Community Services for Dec. 15
Filed under: self help for alcoholics
Al-Anon Family Groups, a fellowship of relatives and friends of alcoholics and addicts who share experiences, strength and hope in order to solve common problems, meet at 7 p.m. Mondays in Rainbow City ([email protected] or 256-442-8697); at 7:30 p.m …
Malvern Retreat experience
Filed under: self help for alcoholics
For instance, there is the Matt Talbot group (for people who are recovering alcoholics). Malvern is there for them to strengthen them and help them in their … Retreatants have plenty of opportunities for self-directed activities if they so desire …
Prevention, not rehabilitation, is answer
Filed under: self help for alcoholics
No one can help an alcoholic until they admit they have a problem, but this is difficult because self-denial is one of the effects alcohol has on the brain. The most convincing liars in the world are alcoholics (and other types of drug addicts). Self …
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