Alcoholic Husband Has Started Therapy, but Is Drinking More! Husband of 3.5 Years Is an Alcoholic…?

Question by beenthereb4: Alcoholic Husband has started Therapy, but is drinking more! Husband of 3.5 years is an alcoholic…?
Stopped drugs about a month ago. At my urging, he started seeing an individual counselor about 2 mths ago & is supposed to start an intensive outpatient program for alcohol/drugs soon(already had intake appt). Thing is, I am 6 mths pregnant with our 2nd child and our 1st is 15 mths. I am also in individual counseling for this. At my counselors urging, I stopped nagging him about his use of these things. It’s gotten WORSE! I am having I have tons of emotion (mostly anger and hurt) . He is working and is successful at paying all the bills, etc. He, however, does not know how to support me emotionally (never learned these skills as a child – and is in counseling to help him.) He is an AWESOME father-somehow able to show emotion he cannot show to anyone else. Tonight, after getting home from a business trip which started his drinking binge all over, he is at the bar with his MOTHER, both getting drunk! Should I give him more time or leave before this baby is born? I am looking into Alanon.
Thank you SOOOO much, Shelley W.! You said EVERYTHING I THOUGHT regarding “Danza’s” reply! I thought it was rather harsh, as I am 37yo and have waited as long as I could to have kids, so YES, I do know about birth control! I simply adore kids and regardless, knew my “alcoholic” husband would be a good dad, at least because his dad was never around and that he would support me/them. (I am currently a stay-at-home mom so I won’t miss any moment of their 1st steps, etc.) Thanks for giving me hope, as well. It helps to know that my prayers can be answered. I mainly wrote this for moral support, as his family (esp. his mom!) enables him to no end, making constant excuses about “that’s just how he is, how he’s always been” and I FINALLY turned to his mom who lives locally, for emotional support.I feel like she has just stabbed me in the back! When I just had our 1st, she lived with us and they got drunk together as I learned to take care of a newborn! BTW, she DROVE him to her house tonight.

Best answer:

Answer by sofora k
With children involved, he needs to get to A.A. and stop completely. I would get out till them for your safety

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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