Trouble Writing Email to Girlfriend? Please Help?

Question by yellowjello64: Trouble writing email to girlfriend? Please help?
My girlfriend is good friends with one of my closest friends. (We are in high school, freshmen.) We have been seeing each other for the past 11 months, and things are going great. I really love her. Recently, I found out from our mutual friend that she told him that her parents found something bad in her room (he didn’t know what) and she had to start going to therapy (or something). We never run in to each other, so I haven’t heard from her since Saturday. We normally just email each other, not much of a phone person. I want to find out what it is that she had and see if she is doing okay, I think she is depressed, she told me that she is an alcoholic. I feel awful because I never asked her to see if that was going okay. Here is what I’ve got so far, please help me wrap it up: “Hey (her name), I’m sorry if I seem intrusive, but Harrison told me that recently your parents found something bad in your room. Has everything been going okay?”. I feel like I need to say something else.
And her facebook status was “Ms.x might be leaving…maybe.” Could she be moving? Please give your thoughts, sorry that this is so long.

Best answer:

Answer by Maley
She is a teenager. “Something bad” in her room could be anything.

You need to talk to her face-to-face.
She wants that respect from you. Rumors and here-say are the worst.
Do you have an open line of communication with her parents?
You should meet with her and them, if it is appropriate.

Diagnosed Alcoholism in minors is very rare. Alcoholism at that age would have to first be acknowledged by the person, their parents, and a licensed psychologist. She would also be a member of Al-Anon and Alcoholics Anonymous.

For instant relief of your worries, go to the source. Go to her.

I share your concern and hope she is ok. :)

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