Do You Drink Alcohol in a Social Situation Around a Recovering Alcoholic?

Question by nursenurse13: Do you drink alcohol in a social situation around a recovering alcoholic?
If the person says it is okay, and you are at a social event, is it okay to drink alcohol around a recovering alcoholic, or can that make them relapse and start drinking again. I am honestly asking your opinion, please no rude answers.

Best answer:

Answer by Bob Ross
if it’s the same as smoking around someone who quit smoking, i would just ask the person, if he’s fine with it then sure. i quit smoking and cigarettes don’t make me want to smoke anymore. i guess it just takes time

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Confirmed: Gabapentin Improves Alcohol Dependence Outcomes
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SCOTTSDALE, Arizona — The anticonvulsant gabapentin improves 2 sleep variables that play an important role in alcohol dependence relapse, new research shows. "These results are consistent with the hypothesis that improved drinking outcomes with …


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Amy Klumpp, drug-court coordinator for the county's Alcohol and Drug Addiction Services Board, said more than 1,300 people have entered Judge Durkin's drug court over the 15 years, with about 52 percent of them successfully completing it. … Even …


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