What Religion Is Most Dependent on Violence for It’s Existence?
Question by S. R.: What religion is most dependent on violence for it’s existence?
Out of the three religion factions at war today – Christianity, Judaism, and Islam – which religion is more a function of love and compassion and making peace that is not dependent on illegal and prescription drug, nicotine, and alcohol abuse and addiction, and the subsequent and/or co-dependent oppression, suppression, and abuse of all forms needed to enforce “their [“religion’s”] definition” of god, God, and good on everyone else?
For extra credit make a comment on the cultism dynamic of Scientology [David Miscavige/Lisa McPherson] and/or any religious aspects of the North and South Korea current conflict and war overtones. [Is there a Reverend Moon dynamic or factor similar to the UCC ordained reverend Jeremiah “no, no, no NOT God bless America; god damn America” “god damn America Wright dynamic our national leader has?
Best answer:
Answer by John
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