Dan Aykroyd Reveals He Has Asperger and Tourette's

Cat Diagnosis Symptoms in the News

Dan Aykroyd reveals he has Asperger and Tourette's
Filed under: cat diagnosis symptoms

In a new interview with the Daily Mail, the Canadian "Ghostbusters" star revealed he was diagnosed with Asperger syndrome in the 1980s, when his wife persuaded him to seek professional help. "One of my symptoms included my obsession with ghosts and law …


Bullies broke apprentice: mother
Filed under: cat diagnosis symptoms

While noting lack of supervision as a critical issue, Ross Hudson, the lawyer representing the alleged bullies, said it was also hard to say if Alec already had depressive symptoms before starting at Downer. He said Alec had told a psychiatrist he'd …


Pet Talk – Feline Calicivirus—Not Your Common Cold
Filed under: cat diagnosis symptoms

Accurate diagnosis will help your veterinarian provide the best treatment possible, and is also important if the infected cat lives in a multi-cat household.. To diagnose FCV, the vet will evaluate the cat's clinical symptoms and medical history in …


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