Alcoholism Information: I Think My Body Is Excreting Too Much Water, Sodium & Potassium! What Can I Do?

Question by Spartan Woman: I think my body is excreting too much water, sodium & potassium! What can I do?
I am chronically dehydrated even though I drink probably a gallon of water a day. I’ve used unrefined sea salt for years since they say it’s the best for you. Medical lab work have shown that I’m consistently low on potassium, especially in the summer when I perspire a lot, unless I take potassium supplements. My great uncle on my mother’s side, when he died, supposedly had little or no salt (sodium) in his body and that contributed to his death. My father died of pneumonia but he was dehydrated, had little sodium and little potassium in his body at the time. They tried to give him potassium by IV but the doctor said that Dad’s body just wouldn’t accept the potassium. What can I do to make sure I don’t wind up with worse problems than I have?

Best answer:

Answer by a_super_tech
Seek the advice of a doctor, immediately.

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Drug and Alcohol Treatment Facility to Kick-off Monthly Family Night Event in
Filed under: alcoholism information

For more information on Family Night at Cornerstone Recovery Center, please call Tracie Duich at 954-556-7441 ext 102. If you or a loved one is in need of treatment for drug or alcohol addiction, call 1-888-711-0354 to speak with an admissions counselor.


DOH official who investigated local dentist resigns under pressure
Filed under: alcoholism information

The Star-Banner has requested details of that settlement agreement, but the information had not been provided as of Tuesday afternoon. What is known is that Tarver filed a formal complaint against … with the DOH and wrote a letter to the agency about …


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