What Makes Someone an Alcoholic: How Is That Japanese Sake Drink? Has Anybody Ever Tried It?

Question by Suki: How is that Japanese sake drink? Has anybody ever tried it?
It’s an alcoholic “wine-like” beverage popular in Japan and has been for hundreds of years. Has anybody ever drank it? If so, is it good and do they sell/serve it in the US?

Just curious. Thanks.

Best answer:

Answer by califblnd
Yes, they serve it in the U.S. It’s an acquired taste, very strong. Not as much like wine as I thought it would be. Reminded me more of a strong alcohol. It is very good (again an acquired taste). I like it warm but not cold. I absoutely have to have some when I go to a Japanese restaurant, goes great with the food.

You just have to try it and see if you like it!

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