Have a Holly Jolly Whatever

Have a Holly Jolly Whatever
Filed under: Alcoholism

Need a Christmas gift, but can’t imagine what your good-for-nothing friends and ne’er do well relatives might want or need? For the person who wants for and/or deserves nothing, I cannot recommend the Lawyers, Guns and Money CafePress store highly enough. The implements of alcoholism are well regard


The Doughnut Syndrome By Herbert J. Gans
Filed under: Alcoholism

Revolutionary pathway a 2008 movie starring da Vinci Dicaprio and Kate Winslet ground on Richard Yates novel print in 1961 which portrays a disillusioned couple with their life in the suburbs. The novel belongs to the antisuburban literary movement which started in the late 50s and early 60s, that a


Wow…I’m about to get really honest here
Filed under: Alcoholism

I’ve been thinking lately about the way we portray ourselves. Take for example, social media where we are bombarded with happy posts many of which tend to state, “Flowers just because…,” “Couldn’t be happier,” or “So in love with my husband and family.” I genuinely appreciate these posts and hope


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