Dry Drunk Syndrome Symptoms: Yo Is There a Cure for Exfoliative Cheilitis?

Question by artist808: yo is there a cure for Exfoliative Cheilitis?
ok look I heard of exfoliative chelitis and some other chelitis it looked at the site these people lips was effed up bad !! mines not THAT BAD .. this how my lips are .. I brush my teeth and I get like a straight line going across my lips its white I sometimes like not peel but rub it off and sometimes I don’t .. sometimes it helps when I do that and sometimes it irritates my lips .. and my lips are dry all the time I use eucerin aquaphor but I heard of using this tea tree oil ? idk if I should go and buy that or if i’m wasting money ya kno .. ? uh my lips didn’t use to do this tho .. its been like this for about 8 months .. uh .. my lips used to be like sexy and kind of pink but now they like always dry and stuff ya kno I guess be careful who you got yo lips on ?? I talked to 2 of my doctors they’re clueless im switching doctors and going to talk to another one soon

btw I got eczema also idk if that has anything to do with anything but I always think its important to let people know that ish

Best answer:

Answer by Prestige Digitation

Look, there is no cure for EC as of yet, but people are looking into cauterisation, which is disliked but can be done by a medical professional who comes with a dermatology background, do not got to a plastic surgeon as they do not work with a cure they work with surgery as a cure.

The other thing I am currently looking in-to is Cupping, which in modern day requires a small prick to the skin and then a little cup already over the minute insition with what they now probably just use a simple sucction method – no matches to extract the oxygen required.

Of course these two methods are so that the treated skin is to hypothetically grow back normal.

Also a list of possible causes of this “symptom” -peeling lips are: taking anti-biotics every year for a sore throat, anaemia caused by taking the initial anti-biotic, behaviour that is destructive to one’s spiritual beliefs: for eg. not practising ones learnt religion from the age of reason(7years old), typical anxious behaviour that may present itself as Asperger’s Syndrome, ADHD as well as being treated with pharmaceuticals that are prescribed for such presentations, not drinking water at all and prefering sodapop/soft drinks, high sugar diet, delusions of granduer and arrogance, not having discipline – parents, although not to be blamed, do not establish a routine due to them being preoccupied with other things, moving homes during the ages of 3 and 4 years old, licking the lips when not even that dry -initial- and then biting the skin off.

Some say that they are even thinking about the enzymes in pawpaw, kiwi and pineapple which could probably attach itself to a substrate – your dry lips and start the breaking process for the skin then wipe it off with lemon juice- like after a few hours, …… but my personal new theory is leeches, I think that the chemical they inject into their host is clever somehow it must be used in the cure and as part of regeneration.

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