Alcoholism: Frail Woman Dying
Frail Woman Dying
Filed under: Alcoholism
The Detroit Free Press, June 5, 1906 When Mary Jablonski’s husband died at Eloise it was hardly a moment to grieve. His alcoholism had all but cancelled him out of the life of his family and his death was more or less the loosening of a burden. One which Mary carried with her as she trundled miles t …
100 Perspectives on Aboriginals
Filed under: Alcoholism
This is a post that I’ve often thought about, but it’s kind of the elephant in the room… it’s there but not really talked about. I will just try to say the sides to the issues (like I taught about the head scarf ban in France for Muslim girls in school) without putting in any value judgements, jus …
The Case Study of Adrian
Filed under: Alcoholism
Running head: THE CASE STUDY OF ADRIAN The Case Study of Adrian Introduction to Psychopathology Destiny Topolski Jennifer Williams Portland State University The Case Study of Adrian 1. Adrian’s presenting problem, when she initially went to the anxiety clinic, were her noticeable lapses in both conc …
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