Enabling Alcoholics: How Can I Help My Wife With Her Alcohalisim and Severe Depression?
Question by tyl5rdurden: How can I help my wife with her alcohalisim and severe depression?
I’m a recovering addict for some time now so not that I don’t believe or haven’t heard leave her, don’t enable her and so on. What I would really like is some real answers from couples who have faced this dillema and have found a way out or found a proven process to deal prductivly. We are both christians and I belive that my faith is sronger, only in that I have no doubts about my relationship with my savior. I think she may be in that battle of being on the fence and needs the proper wind to blow her over to the Lord completly. PLease don’ think by my language that I feel supirior or a better person than my wife I’m not. Im just a husband who loves his wife and needs some real responses to this. I also realize that it will not be me who guide her through this , That will take another woman who has been where she has been , I can only offer support and be there when she needs me.
Best answer:
Answer by jeffprobst4242
Put peepee in her drinks and she won’t want to drink anymore.
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