Alcoholism Withdrawal Symptoms: Effects of Smoking Weed Long Term, Experiences, Stories, or Opinions, Thanks?

Question by Cold: Effects of smoking weed long term, experiences, stories, or opinions, thanks?
So, just looking for some opinions or experiences on the topic. I have a friend who is going through a hard time with weed. He seem like he has a false appriciation for life. He’s pretty content with just video games and very little movement. Also, he has your basics, some memory loss, can’t remember dreams, and anxiety (although this has lessened since he has started to do nothing but TV, work, and sleep). It came to my attention because his girlfriend asked him about cutting back (he’s done it everyday for a few years now). He pretty much shot the idea down and insisted that he wasn’t addicted, but that he would just be “less happy”. He’s dead set on doing it, but he doesn’t want to lose the girl. He said he’s “cut back”, but that he can’t just make himself “not want to do it.” I’m not sure if he’ll actually cut back. He’s off and on done this in his relationship. Really I’m just concerned, looking for some thoughts. Also, nothing childish, I’m not particularly one way or the other- just curious and a little concerned. Thanks guys.

Best answer:

Answer by Omar
Maybe smoking makes his brain relax I know friends that is more smart when smoking and creative. You would be surprise how any singers/rappers need that to make music.Now cigarettes is bad really bad

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