Can a Alcoholic (Now in Recovery) and a Addict (Now in Recovery) Have a Successful Relationship?
Question by luv.daisies: Can a alcoholic (now in recovery) and a addict (now in recovery) have a successful relationship?
We have a 3 year old son together. Both using through out the 4 year relationship. We ended things about 6 months ago. For the past 2 months we have rededicated ourselves to one another and to recovery. I know in my heart that we both love each other so much. Can we have a successful and happy relationship? What are our odds? Thanks.
Best answer:
Answer by Ginny Jin
Slim – addicted people never recover btw that is the reality not the idealism. I .know what it’s like to be addicted give up and 18 months on I have still have serious medication problems which will be there for life.
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