Information Alcoholism: What Is AA’s Overall Success Rate?

Question by iDrink: What is AA’s overall success rate?
Has there ever even been a study done? Why is AA still using the 12 step program if it hardly works, most people only go once and
the 12 step is over 70 years old. It was also made up by a drunken businessman. I’m sure that there has to be better recovery programs than the archaic cult that is AA.

Best answer:

Answer by SoulDawg 4 UGA
My brother and mother are both in AA for drugs and alcohol. My brother started in 1996, and has been clean for 11 years. My mom started in 1997, and has been clean for 10 years. I don’t know what the overall success rate is, but it sure seemed to work for them, and their lives have become much, much better. Comparing to where they were a dozen years ago is like night and day…It all depends on the will of the individual. Some people just don’t muster enough strength to stay long. But the ones that can stay clean for like a year tend to remain successful.

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