Facts About Drugs and Alcohol Abuse: Kristine Hazzard: Berkshire United Way Makes Big Difference in Community

Facts About Drugs And Alcohol Abuse in the News

Kristine Hazzard: Berkshire United Way makes big difference in community
Filed under: facts about drugs and alcohol abuse

We also fund school districts to expand and enhance programs beyond the school day and year and we partner across the community to fund and help drive initiatives around early literacy, teen pregnancy and youth substance abuse prevention. … We've …


Texas teen admits guilt in drunken-driving deaths
Filed under: facts about drugs and alcohol abuse

One of his attorneys, Regan Wynn, says the teen's parents were not engaged in his life and his behavior descended into drug and alcohol abuse. Investigators say the boy's blood-alcohol level was three times the legal limit the night of June 15 when his …


'Seeking Safety' first stage trauma treatment
Filed under: facts about drugs and alcohol abuse

This is the last of a series of articles written to improve awareness and provide basic education about the facts around trauma and the therapeutic interventions that are most effective. Therapeutic interventions facilitate the … 'Seeking Safety' is …


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