Feminists: Do You Take Credit for Prohibition?

Question by Junie: Feminists: Do you take credit for Prohibition?
I hear so often that if you like having the right to vote, you are a feminist. Well, another big thing those ladies accomplished was something called “prohibition”, which made illegal the selling of alcohol. We all know what a great thing that was. So, I instead say:

If you don’t like prohibition, you’re not a feminist.

What do you think?

And no, this was not a “splinter group” or “extremist feminists” who fought for prohibition. It was a matter of Women’s Rights. It was sold to the country as a way to protect wives who were being abused or neglected due to the husband’s drinking. It was considered the next logical step after voting rights.
Temperence/prohibition went hand in hand with feminism. The two biggest supporters were feminist groups and religious groups. In fact the Women’s Christian Temperance Union was THE driving force behind creating legislation. It had nothing to do with the mob, other than as a general effort to halt crime:

“Liquor is responsible for 19% of the divorces, 25% of the poverty, 25% of the insanity, 37% of the pauperism, 45% of child desertion, and 50% of the crime in this country,” the League determined. “And this,” it concluded , ” is a very conservative estimate” (WCTU)

Just pretend that you don’t have a grudge against me. Pretend to actually consider whether or not you would embrace this arm of feminism. Are you still a feminist of you don’t?
“I just wish you would give it a rest”. Give what a rest, exactly? Asking questions that you don’t like? You really think I’m here just to annoy you, Sigy?

If you think women with different viewpoints should just sit down and shut up, then I really think a lot less of YOU.

Best answer:

Answer by Untamed Rose
Sigh….the prohibition while supported by women and many feminist.
Was truly started and enforce to try and control mafia money….and crime all over.
1840’s and 1850’s a number of states passed prohibition laws including Oregon, Delaware, Maine, Ohio, Illinois, Rhode Island, Minnesota, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Pennsylvania and New York. These laws were all shot down by the veto from the governors, repeal by the legislatures and invalidation by the state supreme courts.

In the 1900’s Prohibition was fueled by anti-German sentiment from World War I and moving into the WWII as well. The Temperance Movement started associating German beer with a conflict in patriotism. The Wartime Prohibition Act was passed in 1918. Also, in 1918, the 18th Amendment to the Constitution was ratified prohibiting the manufacture, sale, transportation or importation of alcoholic beverages in the United States.

There have been many social changes in the US…simply b/c you dislike feminism doesn’t mean you can blame everything on it. lol with that thinking, Iraq is the feminist fault as well, it is giving right to women in a way, and some feminist thought it was the right thing to do at the time.

Iol I don’t have a grudge against you…somes time you ask though provoking questions. Nothing wrong with having someone challenge the way you think……..but sometimes you go a little over the top in a effort to prove your point. Your follow up q to this one proves that. You have a brain surely you can understand that feminism wasn’t the only social change. However, I am a little irritated with how you treated that newly wed the other day…telling her to suck it up, grow up, and deal with it was a little much.

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