Alcoholism: The Under-Evolved “Palestinian Activists” in Canada and the United States of Amerka

The under-evolved “palestinian activists” in Canada and the United States of amerka
Filed under: Alcoholism

This wonderful article in the Times of Israel perfectly describes the under-evolved so called “palestinians” in North America. Just last week a so called “Kanadian palestinian” referred to the tress planted by the Jewish National Fund as “occupying soldiers. Oh dear more unintelligent Arab hyperbole


An Interview with Debut Author Joanne Tailele
Filed under: Alcoholism

One of my favorite things here at SpeakerWriterCoach is talking with other authors about their work, their process, and how they came to writing in the first place. I hope to post more interviews with yet-to-be-famous authors in 2014. Here is my recent conversation with author Joanne Tailele. Joanne


Recovery in Lubbock
Filed under: Alcoholism

By Thorn Compton Looking out on a vacant parking lot at a Starbucks the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, Jessica Evans recalled where her life had taken her the last 9 months. Evans is a 24-year-old living in Lubbock because of the drug recovery system. She attended a women-only rehabilitation and liv


The Dangers of Alcoholism

More information about effects of and alcoholism read on


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