Alcoholism: The Under-Evolved “Palestinian Activists” in Canada and the United States of Amerka
The under-evolved “palestinian activists” in Canada and the United States of amerka
Filed under: Alcoholism
This wonderful article in the Times of Israel perfectly describes the under-evolved so called “palestinians” in North America. Just last week a so called “Kanadian palestinian” referred to the tress planted by the Jewish National Fund as “occupying soldiers. Oh dear more unintelligent Arab hyperbole …
An Interview with Debut Author Joanne Tailele
Filed under: Alcoholism
One of my favorite things here at SpeakerWriterCoach is talking with other authors about their work, their process, and how they came to writing in the first place. I hope to post more interviews with yet-to-be-famous authors in 2014. Here is my recent conversation with author Joanne Tailele. Joanne …
Recovery in Lubbock
Filed under: Alcoholism
By Thorn Compton Looking out on a vacant parking lot at a Starbucks the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, Jessica Evans recalled where her life had taken her the last 9 months. Evans is a 24-year-old living in Lubbock because of the drug recovery system. She attended a women-only rehabilitation and liv …
The Dangers of Alcoholism
More information about effects of and alcoholism read on
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