What Is Alcoholism Addiction: Whats the Sadest Most Unforgetable Romantic Love Movie That You Have Ever Wached?

Question by naomi: whats the sadest most unforgetable romantic love movie that you have ever wached?
have you ever seen a really amazing romantic love movie, that has possibly made you cry?
-if so, then what is it called?

Best answer:

Answer by Ron
Full Metal Jacket

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Rob Ford video: “His situation is dire,” addictions expert says
Filed under: what is alcoholism addiction

The latest Rob Ford video — in which Toronto's embattled mayor is clearly impaired and ranting maniacally — should be the final straw before he takes a leave of absence and seeks help for his personal problems, says an addictions expert. “With this …


Addiction: From genes to drugs
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Not to mention the effect on the economy of an addict's days lost from work – alcoholism alone costs the United States approximately 500 million lost workdays per year, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH). "Think about all the health …


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Despite alcohol use under 21 years of age is illegal, people aged 12 to 20 drink 11 percent of all alcohol consumed in the United States. These and other staggering numbers have led Alcohol Addiction Treatment Centers to produce this adolescent-focused …


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