Alcohol Abuse Questionnaire: Destructive Mining Practice Worsens Depression in Appalachia

Alcohol Abuse Questionnaire in the News

Destructive Mining Practice Worsens Depression in Appalachia
Filed under: alcohol abuse questionnaire

… the prior 14 days. They were also evaluated on variables that can influence depression including substance abuse, obesity, and income status. Diagnosis for major depressive disorder was determined with the Patient Health Questionnaire-8 (PHQ-8) scale.


Better verbal development during childhood linked to later drinking and
Filed under: alcohol abuse questionnaire

A new study has found that better verbal development during childhood predicts more frequent drinking and intoxication during adolescence and young adulthood. Study authors … However, in recent years this issue has been investigated in several large …


Lets Hear It For A Safe Christmas
Filed under: alcohol abuse questionnaire

The event will run from 11am to 3pm and there will be advice on a whole range of topics including personal and home safety for residents; drink driving; housing issues over the festive season; alcohol and substance misuse; domestic abuse; avoiding fire …


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