Kidney Disease Symptoms: 1 Must Avoid Fruit for Chronic Kidney Disease – Renal Disease Diet – Kidney Treatment
1 Must Avoid Fruit For Chronic Kidney Disease – Renal Disease Diet – Kidney Treatment If you have chronic kidney disease this video will show you the one food you must avoid and will cause further damage…
Soft drinks may cause kidney dysfunction
Filed under: kidney disease symptoms
Among 3579, 3055, and 1342 university employees with normal kidney function at the start of the study who reported that they drink zero, one, and two or more soft drinks per day, 301 (8.4 per cent), 272 (8.9 per cent) and 144 (10.7 per cent) employees …
Bulging bellies, processed foods linked to kidney disease
Filed under: kidney disease symptoms
The latest figures the CDC published, for 2006, showed that CKD was responsible for 45,000 people's deaths. One of the advantages of the current study is that it highlights preventative measures that people can adopt before they have any symptoms of CKD.
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