Alcohol Abuse Intervention: Have Any of You Watched That Show Called “Intervention”?
Question by Grandma: Have any of you watched that show called “Intervention”?
Most of those people they talk into going for treatment are sober for awhile after and start back up, then they advertise for more people to come forward for help. It doesn’t look very successful. It looks like there’s a big failure rate. What do you think of that show? And is the failure rate usually that high?
Best answer:
Answer by E-ma
I have seen the show.
I think the biggest problem with the failure rate is that these people are not ready to quit when they are sent to rehab.
I know that for abused spouses, the national average for leaving an abusive relationship takes 7 attempts. (They love the abuser, hate being abused.)
So I think it would be the same or higher when trying to leave an addiction that makes someone feel good.
I think that they would have better results w/ a two-step approach.
The 1st is letting the person know what to expect at rehab as already done on the show.
The 2nd would be letting them re-enter when they are ready, but have some condition in the voluntary sign in that rehab conditions may be enforced for the specific drying out & rehab period required.
What do you think? Answer below!
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