Mojo – November 2013

How To Prevent Alcoholism in the News

Mojo – November 2013
Filed under: how to prevent alcoholism

… than long-term jail time. Tuesday night, Radel released a statement apologizing to his family and blaming his troubles on alcoholism, a problem he said he would be able to get help with thanks to his arrest. He hasn't said whether he'll try to keep …


Understanding pneumonia – causes, symptoms,vaccine, prevention, treatment
Filed under: how to prevent alcoholism

Infection control measures can help to prevent the spread of any type of infection, including pneumonia. Frequent hand washing with soap and water or alcohol-based hand rubs can be effective.Because pneumonia is spread by contact with infected …


The Note's Must-Reads for Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Filed under: how to prevent alcoholism

“I struggle with the disease of alcoholism, and this led to an extremely irresponsible choice. As the father of a young son and a husband to a loving … In a statement, Radel blamed a struggle with alcoholism and said he will seek treatment, but made …


Gastric bypass may reverse aging on cellular level
Filed under: how to prevent alcoholism

Bariatric surgery is currently recommended for weight loss in people who are very obese, but studies have found it is also effective at preventing or reversing Type 2 diabetes and other obesity-related health conditions. The researcher wanted to find …


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