How Safe Is Thanksgiving?

Alcohol Depression Symptoms in the News

How Safe Is Thanksgiving?
Filed under: alcohol depression symptoms

Dr. Glatter: The main issue we typically see at this time of year is holiday heart syndrome, which is caused by the combination of alcohol and overeating — often, binge drinking and binge eating — in people with otherwise normal hearts. This leads to …


7 Easy Ways To Add Years To Your Life
Filed under: alcohol depression symptoms

People with strong social ties are generally less vulnerable to mental health issues like depression and tend to live longer. … People who drink any light or moderate quantity of beer or other alcohol increase their life expectancy by 2.5 years and …


Survivor of addictions reflects on importance of music in his life
Filed under: alcohol depression symptoms

My boss was an alcoholic." Keates says the last decade was a six-pack a night, and he says now he can see that he was an alcoholic. "I couldn't stop drinking or I'd start to shake," he remembers. He was soon diagnosed with diabetes. In the end he could …


Men's sexual desire linked to prolactin levels
Filed under: alcohol depression symptoms

The participants filled out questionnaires about their general health, smoking, alcohol consumption and sexual functioning. The results showed low prolactin was … They also had more symptoms of depression, the researchers said. Low prolactin was also …


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