Alcohol Abuse in South Africa: Cape Town Changes Alcohol Law for Champagne Breakfasts

Alcohol Abuse In South Africa in the News

Cape Town changes alcohol law for champagne breakfasts
Filed under: alcohol abuse in south africa

Cape Town's authorities have been told they risk accusations of "cultural discrimination" after tweaking city bylaws aimed at curbing alcohol abuse to allow for champagne breakfasts. The liquor by-law was introduced in 2012 and proposed bans on the …


Rep. Trey Radel takes leave of absense after pleading guilty to cocaine
Filed under: alcohol abuse in south africa

"I struggle with the disease of alcoholism, and this led to an extremely irresponsible choice," said Radel, who's serving his first term in the U.S. House. "Believe me, I am disappointed in myself, and I stand ready to face the consequences of my …


Four Unexpected Wine Regions Worth Visiting
Filed under: alcohol abuse in south africa

Grapes are versatile fruits that can be – and are – grown anywhere from the frozen tundra of the Upper Midwest to the arid deserts of Africa. … While drinking wine in Morocco isn't legal for the predominantly Muslim population that lives there …


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